

アニメ「不滅のあなたへ」第2シリーズ ティザービジュアル解禁!

TYE Season 2 reveals Teaser Visual


The TO YOUR ETERNITY Season 2 Teaser Visual has arrived! An original work by character designer Koji Yabuno, the artwork depicts Fushi the immortal with a gentle smile on his face. What new encounters await him? Stay tuned to find out!
TO YOUR ETERNITY Season 2 is set to begin broadcast Fall 2022.

第2シリーズ ティザービジュアル

【原作】『不滅のあなたへ』大今良時 著(講談社・週刊少年マガジン連載中)

【キャスト】フシ:川島零士 観察者:津田健次郎 ほか

[Original manga series] TO YOUR ETERNITY by Yoshitoki Oima
(currently serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine, Kodansha )

[Cast] Fushi: Reiji Kawashima, The Beholder: Kenjiro Tsuda, etc.

■ 公式Twitter  @nep_fumetsu

■ NHKサイト(放送情報はこちら) https://nhk.jp/fumetsunoanatae/

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